We Believe in a Better Way to Feed The World
On the surface, yes, we know it sounds crazy. But we feel strongly that conventional agriculture and animal husbandry is destroying the Earth. There are better ways to feed the population and it starts with preserving and improving the soil. Our name reflects our commitment to this as our mission.
We believe that healthy soil is the key to growing healthy plants, raising healthy animals and creating healthy food!
Our mission is to improve the soil thru our farming and animal husbandry practices.
- Tierra = Earth
- Vida = Life
We believe that healthy soil is the key to growing healthy plants, raising healthy animals and creating healthy food!
Our mission is to improve the soil thru our farming and animal husbandry practices.
- We feed our cattle only fresh and dried grasses as they were designed to eat.
- We free range our chickens in our orchards and behind the cattle so that they eat a natural diet filled with yummy grubs, seeds and grasses.
- We utilize no-till farming practices to preserve and improve our soil.
- We compost everything we can.
- We have established flowering hedges and plants near our fruits and vegetables to attract beneficial insects and native bees to protect our plants from pests.
- We keep bees on the property and harvest raw honey
- We grow a variety of fruits and nuts in small orchard areas to provide variety and we hand harvest.
- We offer a variety of healthy and yummy snack and meal options in addition to eggs, fruit, nuts, honey and veggies at our farm stand down at the end of our private road.